Dutton Dunwich Horticultural Society

About us

The DDHS celebrated 25 years in 2022.  Our purpose is to  share information on horticulture and maintain gardens to beautify the town. 
On the left is our latest project, renewal of the garden bed at the Dutton Dunwich Fire Hall with the DD logo and planter pots that will be changed seasonally. Councillor Henry Dryfhout and DDHS Board Members are pictured. 
DDHS is a member of Ontario Horticultural Association District 10, and receives financial support from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) and the Municipality of Dutton-Dunwich.  Fundraising and many active volunteers are the backbone of our group.  
Monthly meetings feature guest speakers, activities, crafts, and sharing information.  We also tour gardens and hold social events.
We would love to have you join our meetings or volunteer with us!  We have lots of opportunities for short-term flexible volunteer work.  
Follow us on Facebook
Email: duttondunwichhortsociety@gmail.com

Membership is only $15 a year!

With each purchased membership, you receive a coupon for a discount at our annual plant sale!  

Meet new friends and network with others interested in gardening.

Learn new things and share your knowledge!  

Houseplants, flower and vegetable gardens, healthy soil, pollinators, pruning...and many more!

Get discounts

Many local greenhouses and nurseries give discounts to Horticultural Society Members.  You will also be eligible for awards through the Ontario Horticultural Society. 

Why Join?

I moved to Dutton in 2020 and didn't know anyone. I joined the horticultural society and the members have welcomed me and made me feel like I belong in this town! They have taught me lots about plants and gardening. 

I joined the Dutton Dunwich Horticultural Society in November 2016. It was a great way to meet people & to better my knowledge of gardening. Small community with big hearts.  Debbie

I always admired the city gardens in my hometown of Sudbury. I saw people hard at work and wished that I had the time to be part of making my town beautiful. So when I retired and moved to Iona, I discovered that there was the Dutton Horticultural Society that did just that!  I attended their Strawberry Social where I met so many nice people. I was new in town so this was the best way for me to meet new people and fulfill my wish of contributing to making my new town beautiful.     Julie

2024 Highlights

Monday March 17

 Houseplant Exchange and Guest Speaker

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church. 

Monday April 21

Guest Speaker -- Growing Roses

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church. 

Saturday May 3

 Salad Bowl and Kids' Planting 

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

9 a.m. - 11 a.m. at Sons of Scotland Park Pavilion

Tuesday May 20

Pruning Workshop 

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Sabbes Tree Farm (carpooling is encouraged)

Saturday May 24

Plant Sale

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

9 a.m. - 11 a.m. at Sons of Scotland Park Pavilion

Monday June 16

Strawberry Social

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church

Monday July 21

Plant Sale

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

9 a.m. at Centennial Park

Monday August  18

Strawberry Social

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church

Monday September 15

 Prep for the Wallacetown Fair

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church

Monday October  20

Fall Craft 

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church

Monday November 17

 Annual General Meeting

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

7:00 p.m. at Dunwich United Church

Wall Clock A line styled icon from Orion Icon Library.

Our Board of Directors 

Leslie Whittington-Carter, President

Leslie joined the Board in 2018 and became President in 2023.  She lives near Wallacetown. 

Corry Bachmeier, Past President

Corry joined DDHS in 2013 and became a Board Member in 2014.  She served as President from 2019-2022. Corry lives in Dutton. 

Karen Rose, Treasurer

Karen has been a member of DDHS since 1997 and served as treasurer since 2015.  She lives in Dutton. 

Our Board of Directors 

Dianne Beattie, Secretary

Dianne lives in Wallacetown and has been involved with DDHS since 1998.  She has served on the Board for 6 years, and as Secretary since 2019.  Dianne  maintains the gardens around the South Dunwich Hall and park in Wallacetown. 

Edith Richardson, Director

Edith served as President from 2014 - 2018.  She lives in Dutton and has been involved with the DDHS since 2012. 

Julie Henley-Kapeleris

Julie takes care of the Iona planter boxes and manages the DDHS Facebook page.  She lives in Iona and has been involved with DDHS since 2014, joining the Board in 2017.

Our Board of Directors 

Lin McCann, Director

Lin is a lifelong resident of Dunwich, and a DDHS member since 2005.  She joined the Board in 2019.  

Debbie Polsky, Director

Debbie joined the DDHS in 2016 when she moved to Dutton after retiring.  She joined the Board two years later.  

Georgi Denison, Director

Georgi is the most recent addition to the Board, in 2023.  She has been a member of DDHS for 3 years and lives in Dutton.  

Contact Us

To become a member or renew membership, enter your details below, and send $10 e-transfer to duttondunwichhortsociety@gmail.com

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